Hotel Namgay, nestled on a quiet street in Phuentsholing city center is one of the most experienced accommodation provider in the town. Having said that the property in still well maintained despite being there for over two decades and offers basic and comfortable accomodation, ideal for a layover enroute to other destination. Since it is located in the city center, shopping areas of Phuentsholing and Jaigoan are just steps away. Like...
Hotel Namgay, nestled on a quiet street in Phuentsholing city center is one of the most experienced accommodation provider in the town. Having said that the property in still well maintained despite being there for over two decades and offers basic and comfortable accomodation, ideal for a layover enroute to other destination. Since it is located in the city center, shopping areas of Phuentsholing and Jaigoan are just steps away. Like anywhere else in Bhutan the property is amalgamation of bhutanese themes and designs.
Hotel Amenities
Baby sitting
Doctor on call
Travel Desk
Basic Amenities
Air Conditioning
Room Service
Business Services
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Hotel at a Glance
Hotel Amenities
*Hotel details, photos and facilities are only indicative and may have been taken some time ago. cannot guarantee the same services or experiences at the hotel.